FinTalk by VERMEG

Horizon Scanning: Anticipating and Reacting to a New Governmental Direction with Gavin Stewart & Hanbury Hampden-Turner #10

Hanbury Hampden-Turner, Gavin Stewart Episode 10

A new calendar year is nearly upon us, and with a new Prime Minister comes governmental change that could easily affect the trends and patterns emerging in UK regulation.

Joining us on FinTalk to clear the fog on the horizon and look at what the industry may have in store, we hear from Gavin Stewart - Director at Grant Thornton LLP - and a returning guest, VERMEG’s Hanbury Hampden-Turner.

We hear how Big Bang 2.0 indicates a sharp change in direction, why shifts may be slower than expected, the overarching themes surrounding market risk, and much more.

This episode of The VERMEG podcast covers:

  • The biggest changes we’re likely to see with the new governmental direction
  • Patterns forming with ESG-based policy and legislation
  • Overarching themes around market risk, more granular data and temporary measures becoming permanent
  • How firms might guide their client base through the cost of living crisis

Jawad Akhtar:
Gavin Stewart:
Grant Thornton UK LLP:
Hanbury Hampden-Turner:

FutureFit Regulatory Conference: 

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